12 Horror Movies So Ridiculous – Ridiculously Good

HorrorWhat To Watch

We all know the allure of a good guilty pleasure flick — movies so ludicrous and outlandishly executed that we can’t help but be bowled over by the audacity. Welcome to the delightful chaos of entertainment where we go through 12 horror movies that are so outrageous they’re amazingly good. Strap in and prepare to embrace the magnificent masterpieces that prove sometimes, the best kind of bad that’s oh, so good.


12. Another Grace & Johnny Adventure: Zombie Island!

Heavily influenced by ’30s and ’40s screwball comedies, you can expect a smorgasbord of razor-sharp wit, slapstick humor, and good old-fashioned farce in ‘Another Grace & Johnny Adventure: Zombie Island!’. This flick doesn’t just tiptoe on the edge of absurdity—it hurtles full force into a whirlpool of ludicrous events that are outrageously hilarious.


Watch Another Grace & Johnny Adventure: Zombie Island! on Reveel


11. The Brain That Wouldn’t Die


Spiraling down into the realm of ridiculousness, this film echoes the B-movie eccentricities of eras past. After a heartbreaking accident, a surgeon with more than questionable ethics tries to resurrect his fiancée’s disconnected head and find her a new body. You’ll wonder if the film is a disaster or a chef-d’oeuvre. That, dear friends, is the bewitching charm of movies that are so bad they’re good.


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10. Stripperland


There’s ludicrous, and then there’s Stripperland. This gleefully over-the-top B-grade film blasts past boundaries. This post-apocalyptic world is overrun by pole-dancing zombies imbued with an insatiable appetite for men. A beleaguered group of survivors set out on an outrageous quest for safety. Their destination? Grandma’s house.


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9. Franny vs. J.Daughter


In 2003, “Freddy vs. Jason” was released. 20 years later, a XXX Films director is about to create a remake. The problem is he has absolutely no idea how to direct a family-friendly flick. It’s as preposterous as it sounds. It has every element of a b-movie and offers a few hearty chuckles due to its utterly ridiculous premise and execution.


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8. Bunnyman Massacre


The story is as straightforward as it gets. Bodies pile up as our deranged duo slaughters anything (and anyone) that crosses their path. Gory, ludicrous, and delightfully shocking, Bunnyman Massacre is the kind of flick that wraps awfulness around its finger and spins it into pure, unadulterated entertainment.


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7. Darwin’s Law


This movie follows Agent Scott Taylor who goes undercover to investigate an illegal killer online game. However, as he gets closer to discovering its mastermind, Taylor suddenly disappears… and finds himself a part of the game. This movie is like watching the most entertaining movie that feels unintentionally comedic.


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6. Grotesque


Mildred Moyer transforms from shy misfit to lovable psychopath when her back-alley plastic surgery is botched. Mildred finds herself living her best life as she unleashes brutal vengeance on all those who tormented her in the past. The “convincing” gore makes the movie all the more fun.


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5. Axeman at Cutter’s Creek


This film takes 9 blissfully unaware vacationers and throws them into a heart-stopping cat-and-mouse chase with a local legend. The intriguing mixture of ‘so bad it’s good’ elements will leave you chuckling at moments where you should be screaming.


Watch Axeman at Cutter’s Creek on Reveel


4. Murdercise


Phoebe, a fitness geek who landed her dream job on a sordid aerobics video. Things take a sinister turn when she befriends a mafia princess who teaches her how to step over dead bodies on her climb to fame. Unforgettably ridiculous, it uniquely blends homicide with high-energy exercise.


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3. Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown


You might find yourself gasping for air—not from suspense, but from an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Indeed, this movie is a downright riot. With the unintentional comedy arising from its ludicrous plot, Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown is unrelenting sprint of hilarity.


Watch Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown on Reveel


2. Attack of the Killer Turds


Imagine a quick pit-stop at your favorite fast-food joint transforming into a messy, nightmarish ordeal due to a mysterious contamination in the meat. Stomach-churning concept? Absolutely! Hilariously outrageous execution? You bet it is! This is the essence of ‘Attack of the Killer Turds’, a film so ludicrous that it is entertaining.


Watch Attack of the Killer Turds on Reveel


1. Mr. Lockjaw


Mr. Lockjaw boldly dares to entertain the audaciously absurd premise of a twisted ventriloquist, Miles Brimley, who juggles between entertaining children during the day and moonlighting deep into the criminal underworld at night. With his deranged dummy stealing the spotlight, this film reduces even the most sinister mobsters to mere side characters as a puppet takes the reigns of the criminal underworld.


Watch Mr. Lockjaw on Reveel

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