8 Reveel Films About Invasions

Are you ready to embark on an adrenaline-pumping journey through the thrilling world of cinematic invasions? Whether it’s extraterrestrial beings launching an attack on Earth or ruthless armies attempting to conquer foreign lands, invasion movies have always kept us at the edge of our seats, gripping our popcorn a little tighter. In this action-packed article, we’re going to dive into the 8 movies about invasions that you can watch for free on Reveel.

1. Uncanny Harbor

Set in a seaside New England town Arthur, a recluse fisherman, is reinvestigated on the mysterious vanishing of his wife, English-teacher Emily two decades ago. Having no-recollection of the night she vanished, Arthur begins to reflect and recall.

Watch Uncanny Harbor For Free on Reveel

Sky Shelter Directed By Marcel Schlack

2. Sky Shelter

Ryan had already resigned himself to his fate as a soldier hiding from the apocalyptic post war regime when a wandering stranger crosses into his borders.

Watch Sky Shelter For Free on Reveel

3. Shift

Aliens have come from afar and drained Earth of its resources, leaving it a ravaged wasteland unsuitable for life. A small group of survivors have adapted stolen Alien tech and must learn how to fight back in order for humans to survive.

Watch Shift For Free on Reveel

4. Invasion

An alien detective hunts down a suspected Scientist trying to prove aliens exist and possibly reveal their plans to invade earth. His job—stop him before he can warn mankind.

Watch Invasion For Free on Reveel

5. Attached

Something has attached itself to Holly. Something is in her mind. Something is seeking the truth.

Watch Attached For Free on Reveel

6. What Happens in Vega

What began as a sortie for breakfast turns into a real bad trip for three soldiers stuck on base for weekend furlough. The local diner and the mysterious waitress are hiding far more than the secret ingredients in the daily special ….and what the hell is up with that TV?

Watch What Happens in Vega For Free on Reveel

7. Stover Hill

Strange goings-on in a tranquil neighborhood invade a dinner party, turning friend against friend. The taut short features talented and well known San Diego actors Randy Davison, Raquel Elizabeth Ames, Mike Brayden, Yvette Angulo, and little Elizabeth Popovich.

Watch Stover Hill For Free on Reveel

8. The Shadowrealm

Long ago, a powerful spell tore open the veil between our world and the dream world, allowing Nightmares to cross over into reality. They have mercilessly preyed upon humanity, driving mankind towards extinction. Only one Hunter still stands in their way.

Watch The Shadowrealm For Free on Reveel

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