An Interview with Nelson J. Davis: The Secret To His Success

A true Renaissance man of the film industry, Nelson J. Davis has established himself as a versatile force, excelling as an actor, writer, and director. His prolific output and commitment to his craft have garnered him a loyal online following, leaving many in awe of his accomplishments.

The burning question on everyone’s mind is, “What’s the secret to his multifaceted success?” In an exclusive interview, we had the privilege of sitting down with Nelson J. Davis himself to unravel the enigma behind his remarkable journey.

1, How did you become Nelson J. Davis, actor/producer/director?

I knew that I wanted to be in entertainment, film specifically, at a very young age. I was in drama club in the third grade and I think that’s when I officially fell in love with acting. But, I wasn’t really in love with the stage part of things. I also had a love for the visuals at a very early age. So it was a few movies that inspired me early on in life and that would be Belly and The Matrix.

I know that’s a weird combination, but I literally used to watch those movies like every day. When I was in about third or fourth grade, that’s when DVDs probably just came out and I was more excited about the behind the scenes more so than the actual movie.

I used to watch the making of the movies all the time. That was just so fascinating to me. So with saying that, I was a kid going around in the neighborhood with a video camera making movies. If we had the technology back then that we have now, I would be a dangerous, dangerous kid.

2. Given your experience both in front of and behind the camera, which role do you find most fulfilling?

I would definitely say my first love is in front of the camera. Now, being behind the camera is a very, very close second. But the only reason that I started doing things behind the camera really was to create my own opportunities to be in front of the camera. Creating opportunities for myself as well as my peers. So that’s an easy answer for me. Definitely being in front of the camera is most fulfilling.

3. You’ve developed a dedicated fanbase that many only aspire to have. What’s the secret?

The fans and supporters that I have is truly amazing. How it came about, I honestly, I don’t know, just hard work, dedication, and just really staying true to what I want to share with the world. And to have people gravitate to it, it’s an amazing feeling.
They chose me. I didn’t choose them, but I am so grateful and thankful for it. Hopefully, I continue to strive and the fans and supporters, they grow.

Check out our collection of Nelson J. Davis Movies and Shows on Reveel

4. Most of your films fall into the “spicy” thriller genre. What is it about this particular genre that appeals to you and how did that come about?

Yeah, a lot of my films are very spicy, to say the least but what inspired me to do that is I just feel that a lot of people treat that subject as very taboo and one of those things that they’re scared to touch on. I always wanted to do something different. So I decided to take that risk and tell those stories. When I did my first couple of films that way, I developed an audience that just craved more. I’m like, “oh, you guys like that? I have a whole lot more to tell you”. So yeah, that’s kind of how it started.

5. What motivates you to create new movies year after year? How do you avoid burnout?

You know, I’m a firm believer of art imitates life. So with living life year after year, that inspires me to tell more stories. because I’m inspired by things that happen in life, true events. And it’s really hard to get burnt out when you’re doing what you love. And I absolutely love what I do.

6. Looking back at the early days of your career to where you are now, what are some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome?

I’d say one of the biggest challenges that I face is just broken promises. Broken promises in this business and just coming to terms with the fact that nobody owes you anything. I believe a lot of actors can actually relate to this, one of the things we have a problem with, especially in indie of course, is the project actually coming out.
You know, you put your hard work into a project and it never sees the day of life. When you’re first getting started, it’s like, why am I doing what I’m doing? At the same time, I feel like that was a big reason why I started producing, writing, and directing. It’s like okay I’m gonna make this product the best that i can make it, and it’s actually gonna come out.

7. If you could transport yourself into the world of any film or TV show, which one would you choose and which role would you play?

Man, if I could go inside any TV show or movie universe and pick what character I wanted to be, then it’s from Entourage.

Check out our collection of Nelson J. Davis Movies and Shows on Reveel

And to watch the man himself, here’s the interview on Youtube:


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