Altered Minds is a captivating psychological thriller that takes an unexpected turn during a family reunion. A son accuses his father, a renowned psychiatrist who is on his deathbed, of adopting his children for the sole purpose of conducting psychological experiments on them. The movie, Altered Minds, is filled with surprises, including the cast which features several familiar faces. Even if you can’t remember their names, you’ll probably recognize them from somewhere. Here is a breakdown of the cast for Altered Minds.
Judd Hirsch as Dr. Nathaniel Shellner
First up, we have Judd Hirsch who plays Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, the patriarch of the family. You might recognize Judd from his roles in Independence Day, Ordinary People, and Taxi. In Altered Minds, he gives a chilling performance as a brilliant scientist who is haunted by the secrets of his past.
Ryan O’Nan as Tommy Shellner
Ryan O’Nan is a working actor who has appeared in various films and television shows. His most notable appearances were in Big Sky, Fargo, and Queen of the South. In Altered Minds, O’Nan plays Tommy, the son of Dr. Shellner, who is also an author that investigates his father’s shocking secrets.
C.S. Lee as Harry Shellner
C.S. Lee is an actor that may seem familiar to you. He is best known for his role as Vince Masuka in the television series “Dexter.” In Altered Minds, Lee plays Peter Shellner, the adopted son of Dr. Shellner.
Jaime Ray Newman as Julie Shellner
Up next is Jaime Ray Newman, who plays Julie Shellner. Jaime is an Oscar-winning filmmaker who has gotten involved in producing. She is also a talented actress that has had prominent roles in Catch Me If You Can, Eureka, and The Punisher. In Altered Minds, she delivers a captivating performance as the character who is trying to hold her family together while dealing with the fallout of their past secrets.
Caroline Lagerfelt as Lillian Shellner
Caroline Lagerfelt plays Lillian, the wife of Dr. Shellner. Caroline is an actress that you’ve seen before in menial roles. She is mostly known for her roles in Gossip Girl, Alias, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. In Altered Minds, she gives a nuanced performance as the character who may or may not have secrets to hide.
Joseph Lyle Taylor as Leonard Shellner
Last but certainly not least, we have Joseph Lyle Taylor who plays the oldest son of Dr. Shellner and his only biological one. Joseph is known for his roles in Seven Psychopaths, The Dark Knight Rises, and Summer of Sam. In Altered Minds, he gives an intense performance as the son with dangerous anger issues.
Altered Minds is a captivating psychological thriller that takes an unexpected turn during a family reunion. The eldest son accuses his father, a renowned psychiatrist who is on his deathbed, of adopting his own children for the sole purpose of conducting psychological experiments on them. Watch Altered Minds for free on Reveel
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