As we fire up the grill and prepare to spend our weekend in the sun, it’s important that we also don’t forget the many fallen soldiers who sacrificed themselves serving others. While we may not be able to fire up a barbecue, we can celebrate veteran’s with these 10 films that pay tribute to the selfless acts of these fallen heroes. Without further ado, here are the 10 best movies for Memorial Day Weekend in Reveel.

10. Welcome To Soldier Ride
First on our lost of the 10 best movies for Memorial Day Weekend is Welcome to Soldier Ride. The film follows bartender Chris Carney and two injured Iraq War veterans who transform a cross-country bike ride from a simple journey into an exploration of friendship. This odyssey, stretching from California to New York, is the trio’s way to bolster awareness for the returning wounded service members.
Watch Welcome To Soldier Ride on Reveel

9. Sounds of Freedom
War doesn’t end on the battlefield. It echoes on in the lives of veterans trying to readjust to “normal” life. In Sounds of Freedom, we follow two veterans dealing with the aftermath of their time in service. As they navigate through their lives post-war, an unexpected crisis erupts when a serial killer strikes in their town. This movie captures not only their external struggle for justice but also their internal struggle for peace.
Watch Sounds of Freedom on Reveel

8. Seven Lost
Against the staggering backdrop of World War II Italy, Seven Lost follows an American troop trapped behind enemy lines. Their quest — to make a return from the wilderness, back to the reassuring clamor of safety. With survival on the balance, the film has an immersive portrayal of camaraderie.
Watch Seven Lost on Reveel

7. The Longest Month
You heard about the Iraq War “Surge,” but what really happened? Four gripping, true stories are told by the Apache Pilots, Ground Crews, and Infantry, who lived through the longest and deadliest tour of duty in the war. This film peels back the sanitized versions we often see, instead offering up stark narratives and poignant authenticity.
Watch The Longest Month on Reveel

6. Severe Clear
A raw and unflinching gaze into the heart of conflict, Severe Clear presents an account of intense frontline battles led by U.S. Marines during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Through the eyes of one soldier, this film captures the unimaginable chaos and brutal reality of war, sweeping aside romanticized notions of the battlefield with its extreme, often horrific portraits. This is war — cruel and dreadfully clear.
Experience the grit of Severe Clear on Reveel

5. 22: The Unforgotten Soldier
Juxtaposing two Marines from different eras, it serves as a stark reminder of the haunting statistic that 22 veterans take their lives everyday. It’s a stark look at the enduring battles soldiers face even after they’ve come home.
Watch 22: The Unforgotten Soldier on Reveel

4. Home: A Soldier’s Mind Is Always at War
The trauma of war doesn’t end on the battlefield. In Home: A Soldier’s Mind is Always at War, we follow a soldier grappling with of PTSD after losing close friends in combat, entrenched in a different kind of battle on home turf.
Watch Home: A Soldier’s Mind Is Always at War on Reveel

3. Her War, Her Story: World War II
Narrated by Jane Lynch, Her War, Her Story: World War II unfurls the chronicles of the titanic clash from a seldom explored perspective: through the resilient eyes of the women who served and witnessed the cataclysms of conflict.
Explore Her War, Her Story: World War II on Reveel

2. Primary Position
Primary Position assembles a powerful narrative around two Chicago teens who, in an unyieldingly daring move, choose the frontlines over freshman year. Espousing a new breed of soldiers — unschooled yet fearless, our protagonists find themselves in support of Ukraine against the intimidating force of Russia.
Watch Primary Position on Reveel

1. Letters to Freedom
An award-winning indie, it paints the tumultuous panorama of the American Civil War—but through the lens of unexpected tenderness. We follow Julie, a southern white girl who discovers love in the most contested places—her heart is claimed by a man once enslaved by her father. Julie’s story is one distinguished by her brave embodiment of conviction and challenge, making Letters to Freedom an intimate journey of love, bravery, and defiance.
Witness the courage in Letters to Freedom on Reveel