The Illegal Movie (2021): Where To Watch

Through the story of an immigrant seeking higher education in America, The Illegal movie offers a powerful portrayal of the steep costs and harsh realities that come with that pursuit. This film asks viewers to ponder whether the iconic American Dream truly exists or if it ever really did.


What is The Illegal Movie?

The boy from “Life of Pi” and the principal of “Glee” come together in this gritty, realistic story about a young film school student from middle-class India who’s trying to support his family while staying in the U.S. as an undocumented worker.

Who is the Director Danish Renzu?

The film, The Illegal, is a deeply personal exploration of writer-director Danish’s own journey. Born in the conflict-ridden region of Kashmir, India, Danish’s life took a pivotal turn in 2005 when he made the consequential decision to pursue higher education in the United States as an international student at UCLA. He got his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a certification in screenwriting.

Danish’s foray into filmmaking began in 2014 with the creation of several short films. His first feature film, Half Widow, was released in 2017. Building upon this success, Danish’s second feature-length endeavor, “The Illegal,” released two years later. Not only did the film win multiple awards, but it was also shortlisted for the 2019 Academy Awards.

Want to learn more about Danish Renzu? We’ve interviewed him here.

Who is in the Cast?

Speaking of the Academy Awards, The Illegal features a cast led by Suraj Sharma, the boy from the Oscar-winning film Life of Pi. Joining him is the recognizable Iqbal Theba, whose hilarious portrayal as the principal in the television series Glee earned him a SAG Award.

The ensemble cast delivered a captivating and emotionally resonant performance, imbuing the narrative with a profound sense of authenticity.

Where Can I Watch The Illegal Movie (2021)?

The Illegal is now streaming on Reveel, a new player in the world of streaming. It’s a free streaming service that puts a spotlight on our growing collection of indie films, original stories, and the b-roll of more well known film studios.

Watch The Illegal For Free on Reveel

Year: 2021

Director: Danish Renzu

Cast: Suraj Sharma, Iqbal Theba, Shweta Tripathi, Adil Hussain, and Jay Ali

Genre: Drama

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