Category: Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

August 8, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

10 Best Short Films of All Time

Some of the greatest cinematic experiences can be found in the short-form format otherwise known as short films. Short films are a unique and special breed of movies. They are often constrained by budget, time, and scope, but this only allows for the stories with the most potential to truly shine. This blog post goes […]

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July 27, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

10 Best Free Short Movies To Watch

Short movies, otherwise known as short films, are films that are too short to be considered full-length feature films. They are usually 40 minutes or less and can be of any genre including drama, comedy, thriller, etc. For the sake of this blog post, we are going to define a short movie as a film […]

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July 19, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

13 Best Student Short Films To Watch For Free

Student short films are often the best way to learn about filmmaking and get started in the industry. Some of the best filmmakers started out by making lower-budget student films that had glimpses of the style they would become famous for years later. Watching student films is a great way to discover up-and-coming talent, and […]

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July 14, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

Best Low Budget Films To Watch on Reveel

In the midst of Hollywood film releases with million-dollar budgets and loaded with high-quality SFX, it can be easy to forget about the humble beginnings of filmmaking. These days, anyone with a smartphone can shoot and edit a film, so it’s no surprise that some pretty notable films have been made on shoestring budgets. Some […]

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July 7, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

Top 9 Trending Films on Reveel

We’re taking a quick break from our New on Reveel feature to put a spotlight on some of the films that Reveel fans are already familiar with on the streaming platform. With new additions to the platform every week, audiences have been exposed to diverse genres and stories. However, these nine films standout as Reveel’s […]

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June 10, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

Reveel’s 50 Most Popular Movies and Shows of 2023

Reveel’s fanbase of film lovers has been growing rapidly since its launch two years ago, and now we are proud to announce that we officially have crossed the 100K users mark. With Reveel getting new independent films and shows every week, users have constant new opportunities to discover and support original, talented filmmakers. In celebration […]

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May 18, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

10 Indie Films To Celebrate Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The democratization of filmmaking technology and the overall change in Hollywood’s attitude toward diversity has paved a way for more filmmakers from different walks of life to create films and tell their stories. The indie filmmaking industry has allowed plenty of filmmakers from different cultures to showcase their talent and creativity. This May, in celebration […]

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May 11, 2022 Reveel Film and Series Recommendation Lists

5 Best Animated Short Films To Watch For Free On Reveel

Sometimes the best stories aren’t the longest, they are the shortest. Short films have perfected the art of telling a captivating story in just a few minutes and animated shorts are some of the most enjoyable short film experiences. Animated short films can take us to new worlds full of human creativity or they can […]

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